Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Social Networking and Virtual Worlds

There are many ways social networking and virtual world technologies can be used. Social networking can be used to as a great communication tool, to be able to interact with new people, or friends that you already have. The people you meet can be just friends, possible employers, or even dates. Also some companies are using social networking tools as well. According to the article "Why Is Nissan Mimicking MySpace?", Nissan incorporated a social networking system because they felt that it would speed up the communication process between employees and work would be completed more efficiently. Virtual Worlds. can be used as a way to teach. For example in the article "IBM Learning Programs Get a ‘Second Life IBM has incorporated virtual worlds in its orientation trainings.

The major benefit of these technologies is that it gives another very good means of communication. It allows easy and quick access to be able to meet people and interact with people you already know. It presents many opportunities, for example a social networking site like Linkedin, is able to connect its members , and people are able to be offered jobs because of it.

There is a dark side to social networking though. There have been many incidents with social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook where some people ended up interacting with the wrong person and put themselves in harms way. There have been occurrences on Myspace where a girl ended up being stalked because she communicated with the wrong guy.

I think these technologies can evolve even further in the future. When it does evolve it more be a even more powerful tool. I don't know how much further it can evolve but I'm sure with technology the way it is, it will for sure.

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